Sublime Ultimate Nationals Training

Trainings are on:
Sunday at 3pm - Beatty Park Reserve (Cnr of Vincent and Charles Streets, North Perth)
Tuesday at 6.30pm - UWA Sports Park (McGillivray Oval, Mt Claremont)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Team Leadership Vote - IMPORTANT

We will be having a team vote on Leadership for 2009 at UWA SportsPark at 7.40pm, Wed 21 Jan. Positions available will be for Captain of Sublime (Anti Social) and Sublime (Obnoxious) and vice-Captain of Sublime (Anti Social) and Sublime (Obnoxious) respectively.

Nominations can be received as a self nomination or peer nomination (if accepted). Nominees will then have the opportunity to give a brief introduction and explanation (max 2 mins) of what they would bring to the team as a leader. (ie their reasons/experience/goals/plans/strategy, whatever you like for the team).

Following this captains and vc's can then determine the appropriate leadership arrangements for each team and delegation of responsibilities (including coaching, logistics, funds and communications, dencorub mascot). This is an opportune time to delegate a few tasks.

All players should seriously consider these critical roles.

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