Sublime Ultimate Nationals Training

Trainings are on:
Sunday at 3pm - Beatty Park Reserve (Cnr of Vincent and Charles Streets, North Perth)
Tuesday at 6.30pm - UWA Sports Park (McGillivray Oval, Mt Claremont)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Dingos 2008

Congratulations to Paul Denyer on making the Australian Men's Ultimate Team, the Dingos, for the 2008 World Ultimate Championships!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sublime Squad Selection Process

Due to the large cost to play nationals we are looking to confirm the squad that will be attending Nationals at Coffs Harbour in 2008 within the next few weeks.

To confirm your interest, Sublime Ultimate will require a $100 deposit into the Sublime Bank Account by 8th February 2008. This money will go towards club cost for Nationals including field hire, uniforms and team registration. This money will be fully refunded should you not be selected in the squad.

Account Details
Name: Sublime Bank Account
BSB: 306031

Squad selections will be finalised by 15th February 2008 after which players can book their flights and accommodation. Selections will be based on but not limited to a demonstrated team commitment, previous experience, basic skill level, athletic ability and most importantly a willingness to learn and improve. Selectors will be John Damiani, Tim Delane and Paul Denyer. While we have limited time we hope to provide players with some casual feedback. Please don't hesitiate to approach us if you have questions.

A preliminary individual budget is shown below. Thanks to Anna Haynes for preparing the original document.

Nationals 2008 - Coffs Harbour
Expected Costs BEFORE Fundraising

Airfare ($600-$800) $600.00
Accommodation 5 Nights (23-27 Apr) $180.00
Uniform $80.00
Individual Player Fee $140.00
Team Fee $30.00
Bus/Transport/Petrol $80.00

Total - $1,110.00 (before fundraising)

Anyway I hope this helps with your planning and good luck with the squad selection.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

World Championship Selections Digest #1

Saturday morning saw a dreary, drizzly start to the first selection camp for the Australian World Championships. Approximately 50 guys were there with ages ranging from 20 years old right up to the high-30 year olds who, quite frankly, are totally past it.

The weekend consisted of several round robins between teams that were mixed up at the start of each session. The style of play was somewhat different to that usually experienced by Sublime team members. At one point an excuse-filled Johnathon Potts exclaimed that 'there was somebody in front of me, so I had to jack it long' after looking off a wide open dump cut by Timmy Delane. Events like this were not rare, many a disc was turfed after an over-excited squad member attempted to 'showcase' their powerful but surprisingly inconsistent throwing skills.

The final session of the weekend was an old-vs-young fight to the death. Split down the middle at age 27 the young squad starred Abra Garfield and Mike Nield, while the pensioners had Matt Dowell, Anthony Dowell, Pete Gardner, John Damiani, Gus Keenan, etc. While some players got stuck right in and showed the selectors how well they stood up in a pressured grudge-match, others were quickly swallowed and crushed by the oversized teams of 20 or more players each.

Interspersed throughout the weekend were a number of AIS lectures, topics included Sports Psychology and Strength & Conditioning. A pool-based recovery session was guided by an AIS instructor on Saturday night, which included a relaxing spa followed by an icy few minutes in a plunge pool, which seemed to be filled with liquid oxygen.

The flight home was less than comfortable with an ever-so-slightly drunk procession of WA boys stuggling through the excessively delayed 5 hour flight home to cross-windy Perth, ending the weekend with a rather interesting landing.

An impressive Paul Denyer now waits eagerly by the internet machine in the hopes that he has secured his place on the Australian Men's World Championship team, while JD and Tim hang out for the Mixed Squad selection camp in Sydney. JD is nervous about his chances of making the team, while Tim appears to be an absolute shoe-in.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's time to get things amped up for Nationals '08!

Top 3 is a big ask but I'm sure we're up to the challenge. Expect big things.


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